Artists Need Unions, Too: The Role of Organized Labor in Creative Industries
Artists unions empower creative professionals in their fight against a gig economy for improved working conditions, fair treatment and fair pay.
Artists unions empower creative professionals in their fight against a gig economy for improved working conditions, fair treatment and fair pay.
Healthcare is a big issue for Americans, and unions have long fought for worker healthcare rights by lobbying legislators and pushing policies.
Silicon Valley unions have been met with resistance, but more tech workers are starting to organize to bring unions to the tech industry.
The Janus ruling did have an impact on public-sector unions, but it wasn’t nearly the death blow that many thought it would be.
Labor unions have traditionally been seen as having a significant impact on US presidential elections and the upcoming 2020 presidential election looks to be no exception.
Mentoring programs are pivotal for unions. Veteran leaders and long-time union members should mentor and share their experience with young members.
Women have been at the forefront of the labor movement from the beginning, providing invaluable leadership and unique perspectives to labor unions.
Labor activists are using their public profiles to organize, rally and fight for workers’ rights. Follow them on social media to keep engaged.
In 2018, teachers across the country fought for better salaries and funding for schools with the help of unions. The teacher strikes will continue in 2019.
The landscape post-Janus has many unanswered questions, and unions still open to litigation that seeks to weaken their strength.