Worker Wins: 5 Successful Union Drives in Mid-2023
Workers continue to win key union elections despite heavy opposition and strong union-busting campaigns from management.
Workers continue to win key union elections despite heavy opposition and strong union-busting campaigns from management.
Unions are poised to benefit from the labor-standards incentives in the Inflation Reduction Act. These aim to create good jobs in the clean energy industry.
President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 invests in and benefits workers as the keys to expanding the clean energy sector.
There’s a union drive at a Tesla facility in Buffalo, New York — but Tesla is making it difficult.
The ALU continues to fight Amazon’s union-busting. Here’s a look at the latest NLRB rulings in this ongoing battle.
A new labor movement has swept across the United States in recent years. Now, the pressure is on unions to maintain its momentum.
Labor leaders are tasked with finding ways to connect with more workers and encourage them to exercise their rights to unionize.
Labor unions help workers in a number of different ways, from lobbying for the passage of pro-worker legislation to supporting workers’ rights to participate in concerted activities. But they make their greatest impact through collective bargaining.
Here’s how the U.S. government is trying to address the challenges facing workers and strengthen their rights to organize.
The Department of Labor continues to build initiatives that prioritize the needs of workers and the ability of unions to support them.
Unions are popular with the American public. Unions must capitalize on that support and build momentum.