UnionTrack® Blog

three people reading digital newsletter

Rethinking Union Member Communication and Engagement

For decades, union members have relied upon the timely delivery of critical information from their local chapters. The classic newsletter format carried this water for many years as its layout was succinct enough to convey multiple important topics in an easy-to-digest layout. But much like other news delivery systems, newsletters have had to evolve to keep up with our increasingly digital lifestyles.

Young people stacking hands indicating solidarity; student workers forming unions concept

The Labor Movement on College Campuses: Student Workers Forming Unions Nationwide

What has been so impactful about the resurgence of the labor movement over the past three years is the diversity of industries that have seen an increase in worker unionization. Technology, journalism, music, and cannabis are just a handful of traditionally nonunion industries where workers are forming unions. 

Workers harvesting cannabis in greenhouse; cannabis industry workers concept

Why Cannabis Industry Workers Struggle to Organize

Cannabis workers are turning to unions to help them gain those health and safety protections as well as win better wages and benefits. While there have been some successes, the industry overall has been slow to unionize.