Author: Ken Green

Young people stacking hands indicating solidarity; student workers forming unions concept

The Labor Movement on College Campuses: Student Workers Forming Unions Nationwide

What has been so impactful about the resurgence of the labor movement over the past three years is the diversity of industries that have seen an increase in worker unionization. Technology, journalism, music, and cannabis are just a handful of traditionally nonunion industries where workers are forming unions. 

Workers harvesting cannabis in greenhouse; cannabis industry workers concept

Why Cannabis Industry Workers Struggle to Organize

Cannabis workers are turning to unions to help them gain those health and safety protections as well as win better wages and benefits. While there have been some successes, the industry overall has been slow to unionize. 

staff in warehouse; federal government labor initiatives concept

Union News Roundup: 3 Federal Government Labor Initiatives Every Union Leader Should Know

In terms of labor, President Biden’s tenure has been a roller coaster. His administration has hit some highs, like expanding penalties for companies that illegally fire unionizing workers and assigning labor advisors to supervise federal contractors. It’s also had some significant lows, including forcing railroad workers to accept a subpar contract and weakening workers’ right to strike.

Person having blood pressure taken; healthcare benefits concept

Unions Fight For That: Adequate Healthcare Benefits For All Workers

Labor unions have led the fight for many of the benefits workers receive on the job today, such as minimum wage, paid sick leave, overtime pay, and retirement. Of all of the benefits, though, the most important may be access to health insurance and other healthcare benefits.

Striking writers and actors picketing; worker solidarity concept

Worker Solidarity: Labor Actions Through Summer and Fall of 2023

Thousands of workers across the country have taken to the picket lines this summer and early fall to vent their frustrations and demand better from employers. The organizing victories and high-profile strikes over the last few years have shown them the power of standing in solidarity and the possibilities for change if they stand up for themselves, and they are embracing their voice.