Union Business Rep & Shop Steward headshot

ENGAGE® - Union Business Rep & Shop Steward Features

Help reach members at work and in the community.

2-Way Officer/Member Communications

  • Increase communication with union members by using their preferred way of receiving important union information through social media, e-mail, two-way text messaging, and newsletters.
  • Develop dynamic communication distribution lists to send information to members to drive engagement.
  • Schedule specific dates and times to send out your communications.
  • Capture real-time survey feedback from members regarding important issues about your organization. Officers can analyze visual statistical information based on member responses.

Grievance and Discipline Tracking

  • UnionTrack ENGAGE provides a customizable solution to track your organization's grievance and discipline workflow process.
  • ENGAGE ensures that union officers can track and update grievance and discipline cases through to completion with actionable, real-time information.
  • Union members can only view the status of their grievance and or discipline case.

Track Upcoming Contract Expirations

  • UnionTrack ENGAGE is a flexible and configurable system that allows union officers access to upload and monitor contract expirations.
  • Administrators can configure system alerts for upcoming contract expirations, keeping you in front of the curve with collective-bargaining agreement negotiations.

Allow Members to Update and Maintain Contact and Demographic Information

  • UnionTrack ENGAGE empowers your organization with updated demographic information from employer files, ensuring you are using the most accurate membership data when undertaking strategic, organizing, and legislative activities.
  • Members have access to update their contact information by accessing any internet capable device to sign into their union platform. ENGAGE generates date stamped change log reports for internal audit verification.

Flexible Document Storage and Document Sharing

  • UnionTrack ENGAGE document management system is robust document storage with tagging capabilities that keep control of a wide variety of documents and can be shared with others.
  • Gather all the member information you need without the stress of looking through countless emails, folders, and piles of paper.
  • Files like applications, certifications and identification papers can be uploaded to the member's profile and easily accessed with just a few clicks.

Timely and Configurable System Alerts

  • UnionTrack ENGAGE can send out alerts via email and system notifications to union officers notifying them of upcoming and important action items.
  • Never miss a deadline when using UnionTrack ENGAGE configurable system for alerts.

Take a Closer Look

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301-685-6199 or info@uniontrack.com

3 Research Place Rockville, MD